This is becoming more obvious to me with my eJournal and images. With this entry I am completing my 123rd week of blogging. As I archive by week, that means this must be the 861st entry. A single page of the 123 might not contain answers to secrets of the universe, but drivel does add up. Hell, by now, there might be a few words here which are useful or even interesting!
Completing 123 pages is quite a personal accomplishment. It puts me well beyond the gestation period of an elephant which, incidentally, can be around 650 to 700 days. This blog was started before present-day elephant babies were glints in their elephant father's eyes.
Completing 123 pages is quite a personal accomplishment. It puts me well beyond the gestation period of an elephant which, incidentally, can be around 650 to 700 days. This blog was started before present-day elephant babies were glints in their elephant father's eyes.